2024 NGAI Annual Conference Individual Registration Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastRank *Name on Badge *Phone *Email *Address *Address Line 1Address Line 2CityAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingStateZip CodeComponent *Select OneArmy/ARNGAir Force/ANGOther MilitaryType *Select OneAGRTechnicianTraditionalRetiredCivilianStatus *Select OneRetiredActiveCivilianMACOM *Select OneNoneJFHQ181 IW122 FW38th HQ38th CABCAMCCO219th EN BDE81st TC76th IBCT38th SUSTOtherConference Registration *Select One - $ 0.00Non-NGAI Member - $ 120.00E9, W4/W5, 04 & UP - $ 120.0001-03, W1-W3, E7/E8 - $ 110.00E6 and Below - $ 90.00Spouse/Guest Attending? *Select OneYesNoName of Guest *FirstLastGuest Registration *Select One - $ 0.00Non-NGAI Member - $ 120.00E9, W4/W5, O4 & up - $ 120.00O1-O3, W1-W3, E7-E8 - $ 110.00E6 & Below - $ 90.00Dinner Only - $ 50.00Civilian guests/spouses will select same option as servicemember. Military guests/spouses will select according to their own rank.Golf $100/pp **SEE NOTE BELOW** Friday April 26th @ 7am -Autumn Ridge Golf Club *Select OneNot PlayingOne GolferTwo GolfersThree GolfersFour GolfersNumber of golfers **YOU ARE PAYING FOR** If you are playing with a group, but only paying for yourself, select one and list your group below. If you are playing, but do not have a group, write "NO GROUP" below.Golf Group Names *If you are playing, but do not have a group, write "NO GROUP" here . If you have an already established group, list all members of your team here.Hospitality Event $29/pp Friday April 26th @ 7pm - Tincaps Baseball Game (event includes hot dog, chips, and non-alcoholic beverage, and a voucher for a beer, wine, or mixed drink) *Select OneNot AttendingOne AttendeeTwo AttendeesThree AttendeesFour AttendeesFun Run : ** FREE EVENT** Saturday April 27th 7:00am - Downtown Ft. WayneSelect OneNo RunnersOne RunnerTwo RunnersThree RunnersFour RunnersEvent is sponsored and FREE to all who sign up. T-Shirt and Snacks provided.Runner 1 T-ShirtSelect OneAdult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult XLAdult XXLRunner 2 T-Shirt *Select OneAdult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult XLAdult XXLRunner 3 T-Shirt *Select OneAdult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult XLAdult XXLRunner 4 T-Shirt *Select OneAdult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult XLAdult XXLAlumni/Retiree Breakfast $35pp: Saturday April 27th @ 8:30am *Select OneNot AttendingOne AttendeeTwo AttendeesGuest/Spouse Event : Saturday April 27th TBD *Select OneNot AttendingOne AttendeeTwo AttendeesThree AttendeesFour AttendeesAnyone who registers before the spouse event is finalized will receive an email on the event once details are finalized. At that time, you will be able to decide if you would like to attend. States Dinner : Saturday April 27th @ 7 pm *Select OneNot AttendingOne AttendeeTwo AttendeesDinner is included with registration (with the exception of Business Meeting Only). Please indicate number attending.Dinner Selection for Attendee One *BeefChickenVegetarianDinner Selection for Attendee Two *BeefChickenVegetarianPlease let us know who told you about the NGAI Annual ConferenceTotal$ 0.00Credit Card *Card NumberSecurity CodeName on CardExpirationMM123456789101112/YY2526272829303132333435WebsiteSubmit