NGAI Awards Program

The NGAI Awards Program provides Indiana National Guard Leadership, and NGAI members with an effective and efficient process to recognize individuals and organizations for achievement through the NGAI, NGAUS, and/or EANGUS Awards programs.
This program provides TAG and Indiana National Guard Leadership with assistance in the nominations process of groups and individuals to be submitted through the NGAUS Awards Program.
The program also provides the State Command Sergeant Major and State Chief Master Sergeant with assistance in the nominations process of groups and individuals submitted through the EANGUS Awards Program.
Program Purpose
The purpose of the NGAI Awards program is to recognize individuals and organizations that, by superior performance, acts of heroism or service of a meritorious nature, make a contribution to the goals of NGAI, to the purpose and effectiveness of the Indiana National Guard or to the stability and security of the United States.

– The Board of Directors is responsible for selecting awardees from recommendations made by the Awards Committee.
– The NGAI Staff will maintain awards information (criteria, nominations, and winners) on the NGAI webpage.
– Nominations must be completed based on specific criteria for the awards using nominations format provided (listed in this SOP).
– Call for Awards to all MACOM’s via Vice Chiefs ARNG and ANG and the State Command Sergeant Major and Chief Master Sergeant 1 December.
– NGAI Award nominations are due to the NGAI staff not later than 15 February each year.
– NGAI Awards Committee will be review submissions to insure they meet the highest criteria interpretation and have adequate justification to meet/exceed the published award criteria.
– Awards not meeting requirements may be downgraded (if applicable), denied, or (in rare cases) returned to the nominee for correction if the criteria are not met.
– Selection for approval or denial is based on majority vote of the committee (essentially, the chair becomes a tie breaker)
– After NGAI Awards Committee review, all approved NGAI award nominations will be presented to the Board of Directors for a final vote of approval or denial.
– All EANGUS and NGAUS award nominations will go to the Awards Board for final approval and processing.
– The Awards Board will consist of the following:
Vice Chief of Staff ARNG
Director of Staff ARG
State CSM
State CMS
NGAI Awards Committee Chair
NGAI Executive Director
– 1 December- Call for Awards to all MACOM’s via Vice Chiefs ARNG and ANG and the State Command Sergeant Major and Chief Master Sergeant.
– 1 February – Units will submit NGAI Award nominations to the NGAI Awards Committee for processing and placing into tracking packets.
– 1 February – Awards Committee meets (by phone or at monthly board meeting) to recommend approval or denial of award nominations to NGAI Awards Board.
– February Board Meeting – NGAI Awards Board approves Awards and staff begins processing for presentation at Annual NGAI Conference.
– 1 April – Complete award packages due
– The Awards Committee will consist of four members, a chair (member of the board) and four at-large positions (two ARNG and two ANG) that may or may not be members of the Board of Directors.
– Awards Committee members may be removed or replaced by the President of the Board and/or Board of Directors at any time.
– Selection to the committee should be based on experience, knowledge of the process, and ability to facilitate the calendar.
The Awards Committee duties will include, but are not limited to,
– Perform audit oversight as directed by the Board of Directors (Chair).
– Review and know the Awards SOP.
– Keep in contact with the Awards Chair throughout the year.
– Attend (by phone or in person) the Awards Committee meeting, providing thoughtful and realistic review of the award nominations.
– Be selected and appointed for a specific term by the NGAI Board of Directors.
– Be a member of the Board of Directors.
– Selection is based on past experience, knowledge of the process, and determined ability to facilitate the process.
– Keep abreast of the Awards process throughout the year, and become the Board of Directors representative for awards.
– 1 December – Call for awards nominations and coordinate with JFHQ OPORD.
– Early February, chair the Awards Committee meeting to review any Annual Awards.
– Supervise and be responsible for the entire NGAI Awards process.
– Review final awards as completed by JFHQ.
– Awards AAR process will be completed to insure adequacy and administrative effectiveness is maintained at the highest levels.
– Awards committee members will submit comments or suggested changes to the Awards Chair for action at the next monthly Board of Directors meeting.
– Collect NGAI Award nominations to be reviewed by the committee.
– Maintain an Awards webpage on webpage (posting POC for awards, plus other pertinent information).
– Review NGAI Awards for accuracy and standards (making suggestions to nominators in advance of the committee meeting).
– Purchase awards for presentation at the NGAI General Conference.
– Notify award winners and verify attendance at Annual NGAI Conference.
The Falcon Award
NGAI created The FALCON AWARD to provide its highest honor and appreciation. The Falcon is the highest award presented by the National Guard Association of Indiana’s Board of Directors. This award is presented to the organization, group or individual who has contributed to the overall success of the Association.
Eligibility: Any individual is eligible to receive The Falcon Award.
Criteria: An individual must have distinguished him/herself in particularly outstanding service to the United States Government, any of the Armed Forces of the United States, including the Indiana National Guard and NGAI. An individual must have offered exceptionally outstanding and noteworthy contributions over an extended period of time to clearly merit the receipt of this award.
Nominations and Selection Procedures: Any member of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors or The Adjutant General of the Indiana National Guard may nominate an individual to receive this award. More than one award may be given in a calendar year.
The Distinguished Service Award
NGAI created The DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD to provide recognition for an individual who, as a civilian or member of the Armed Forces (Active, Guard or Reserve), performed exceptionally outstanding service to the United States, to the Armed Forces of the United States and to NGAI.
Eligibility: Any individual is eligible to receive the NGAI Distinguished Service Award.
Criteria: An individual must have distinguished him/herself in particularly outstanding service to the United States Government, any of the Armed Forces of the United States, including the Indiana National Guard and NGAI. Outstanding performance of normal duty alone will not justify the award of this medal. An individual must have offered exceptionally outstanding contributions over an extended period of time to clearly merit the award of this medal.
Nominations and Selection Procedures: Any member of NGAI may nominate an individual to receive this award. More than one award may be given in a calendar year.
The Meritorious Service Award
NGAI created The MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD to provide recognition for an individual who, as a civilian or member of the Armed Forces (Active, Guard or Reserve), performed exceptionally outstanding service to the United States, to the Armed Forces of the United States or to NGAI.
Eligibility: Any member of the Armed Forces of the United States (Active, Guard or Reserve) or NGAI or any civilian is eligible to receive the Meritorious Service Award.
Criteria: An individual must have accomplished an outstanding achievement on behalf of the NGAI. Superior performance by an individual must have been such as to clearly identify them as having played a key role in the accomplishment for which the award is to be given. Particular considerations will be given to those individuals who have contributed outstanding service on a sustained basis. Personal dedication and self-sacrifice also will be regarded as factors deserving consideration.
Nomination and Selection Procedures: Any member of NGAI may nominate an individual to receive this award. More than one award may be given in a calendar year.
The MG Alfred F. Ahner Award for Heroism
NGAI created The MG ALFRED F. AHNER AWARD FOR HEROISM to be presented to members of the National Guard who have distinguished themselves by performing acts of heroism that otherwise might not be recognized due to the National Guard’s peacetime status.
Eligibility: The nominee must be an active, bona fide member of the National Guard at the time of the act.
Criteria: The individual must have performed an act of heroism clearly beyond what reasonably might have been expected under the circumstances and of such a nature that had it not been attempted; no criticism would be justified. The nominee’s act of heroism was voluntary. This award frequently will encompass lifesaving acts. It also may be appropriate under circumstances in which extraordinary performance has contributed to the alleviation of public tragedy or to the preservation of public property.
Nomination and Selection Procedures: Any individual having knowledge of an act worthy of the award for the MG Alfred F. Ahner Award for Heroism may submit a nomination. It is recommended, however, that nominations be submitted by the nominee’s immediate commanding officer, through normal official channels after full investigation and preparation of supporting evidence. More than one award may be given in a calendar year.
Nomination submissions should include: A fully detailed chronological narration of what occurred, utilizing exact times and dates, and full identification of all principles, including witnesses. Clear and complete reporting of facts will more likely achieve the object of the recommendation than flowery generalities.
A proposed citation, one paragraph in length.
A signed statement of at least one, and preferably two, eyewitnesses. Such documents as extracts from official records, sketches, maps, photos and newspaper clippings that help establish the validity of the nomination may be used as supporting evidence. In cases where no eyewitnesses are available, the requirement may be waived if personal heroism is completely self-evident and the award can legitimately be made without question.
A signed statement by the individual nominated, describing the act in detail, also may be regarded as important supportive evidence.
Any heroic act performed by a member of the National Guard is eligible for consideration without regard to his duty status at the time of the event. It can be awarded while on military duty, in state status or while acting in a civilian capacity. The MG Alfred F. Ahner Award for Heroism may be awarded posthumously. In such cases, the medal and certificate will be presented to the recipient’s next of kin.
The R. Martin Umbarger President's Award
NGAI created The NGAI R. MARTIN UMBARGER PRESIDENT’S AWARD to provide the Association President the option to recognize any individual who, as a civilian or member of the Armed Forces, performed exceptionally outstanding service to the United States, to the Armed Forces of the United States or to NGAI.
Eligibility: Any group or individual is eligible to receive the NGAI President’s Award.
Criteria: Any group or individual who has performed exceptional service to the United States, to the Armed Forces of the United States or to NGAI.
Nomination and Selection Procedures: This Award is presented solely at the discretion of the President of the NGAI Board of Directors. It requires no further review or approval process by either the Awards Committee or the Board of Directors. More than one award may be given in a calendar year.
The NGAI Community Partner Award
NGAI created The NGAI COMMUNITY PARTNER AWARD to provide recognition for an individual who, as a civilian, performed outstanding service or support to the United States, to the Armed Forces of the United States or to NGAI.
Eligibility: Any group or individual is eligible to receive the NGAI Community Partner Award.
Criteria: Any group or individual who has performed exceptional service to the United States, to the Armed Forces of the United States or to NGAI.
Nomination and Selection Procedures: Any member of NGAI may nominate an individual to receive this award. More than one award may be given in a calendar year.