Dear Corporate Partner

The National Guard Association of Indiana (NGAI) is a 501(c)(19) tax deductible non-profit veteran’s organization comprised of over 20,000 current, former, and retired members of the Indiana National Guard.  NGAI is a professional organization whose purpose is to promote the growth and development of the Indiana Army and Air National Guard and foster professional cooperation among the officers and enlisted personnel of the Indiana National Guard.  Since its inception in 1932, NGAI has been the devoted advocate of a modern, relevant, and ready Indiana National Guard.

NGAI is the voice of the Indiana National Guard in the formulation of federal authorization and appropriation requirements.  The goal of the NGAI partnership with industry leaders like you is to ensure the readiness, relevance and modernization of the Indiana Army and Air National Guard while also ensuring a sustained quality of life for our members and families.  As partners, we strive to:

  • Develop and synchronize essential policy and legislative issues at both the state and federal levels.
  • Stimulate consensus and grass roots support for our Guardsmen and Corporate Partners to maintain and enhance readiness of the Army and Air National Guard with the Department of Defense and Congress.
  • Work closely with our Corporate Partners in formulation of Indiana Resolutions submitted for consideration at the EANGUS and NGAUS annual conferences.
  • Sponsor, as a professional organization, Indiana Soldiers and Airmen to both state and national training symposiums conducted at, NGAI, EANGUS & NGAUS, with grants through our NGAIF Fellowship Fund.
  • Further the educational opportunities of NGAI members and their dependents through Education Grants provided by our 501(c)(3) National Guard Association of Indiana Foundation (NGAIF).

NGAI places increasing reliance on its strategic corporate partners like you. To this end, based on your commitment to our men, women, families, and the national defense, I invite you to partner with NGAI and work together to meet our mutual goals. By becoming a Corporate Partner, your organization receives those activities and opportunities identified at each level of participation listed.

Below you will find our sponsorship plan that consists of six levels of participation with sponsorship fees ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 annually.  The benefits of partnering with us are numerous and mutually beneficial.  Sponsors receive invitations to key National Guard activities, events, and social functions to include our annual association conference and dinner attended by our Executive Board and key leadership in the Indiana National Guard.  In addition, our corporate sponsors are entitled to complimentary booth space in our annual conference exhibition area.  The member’s business receives publicity on our web sites and recurring recognition and acknowledgement at every appropriate opportunity.   All these and many more benefits are described on the information sheets.

We would be honored to have your company join us in this program, and in our dedication to tackling the issues that matter to our service members, strengthen the National Guard, and help maintain the great American democracy.  Your direct support and involvement will be of great benefit to our nearly 20,000 soldiers and airmen residing in every community in Indiana and will fortify our influence on legislative and congressional issues at both the state and federal levels of government.

We hope you will seriously consider our program and that you will complete the online sponsorship application.

Our annual state conference will be held in Ft Wayne, Indiana April 26-29, 2024.   Details on the 2024 annual conference will be released in the coming months. We look forward to developing a lasting relationship with you and your organization.   If you have any further questions, you can contact me at 317-247-3301, or fill out the Contact Form below.  


Thank you for your support.


COL (Ret), Jeff Coomler

Executive Director




All Partnership Levels include:

Company recognition on the NGAI Website and a shared link

Authorized use of the NGAI corporate logo

Recognition at the NGAI annual conference


Questions? Contact us below!

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