NGAI 2023 LEgislative priorites



STATE BUDGET. (THOMPSON J) Appropriates money for capital expenditures, the operation of the state, K-12 and higher education, the delivery of Medicaid and other services, and various other distributions and purposes. Provides that the auditor of state is also known as the state comptroller. Provides that, after June 30, 2023, the auditor of state shall use the title “state comptroller” in conducting state business, in all contracts, on business cards, on stationery, and with other means of communication as necessary. Establishes the opioid settlement fund into which funds received from opioid litigation settlements must be deposited. Allows the budget committee to submit the budget report and budget bill or bills to the governor on or before the second Monday of January, or the third Monday of January in the year in which a gubernatorial election is held (instead of before that date). Requires the state personnel department to require a contractor, when contracting for health care coverage for state employees, to use value based coverage. Allows the Indiana economic development corporation to certify an applicable tax credit that exceeds the maximum allowable amount after review by the budget committee. Provides that specified expenses are eligible to be funded by the fund established under the regional economic acceleration and development initiative (READI). Provides that the READI program expires on June 30, 2026. Allows an individual to claim an increased exemption amount for a dependent child in the first year in which the exemption amount may be claimed for the child. Reduces the individual income tax rate to 2.9% by 2026 and eliminates all trigger provisions in current law. Allows a county fiscal body to impose a tax rate on the adjusted gross income of local taxpayers in the county for public health purposes. Establishes the regional public safety training fund. Repeals provisions relating to the establishment of the: (1) Indiana homeland security foundation; (2) Indiana homeland security fund; and (3) fire training infrastructure fund. Allows certain members of the public employees’ retirement fund or Indiana state teachers’ retirement fund to file an election to begin receiving retirement benefits while holding a position. Changes the state police pre-1987 benefit and supplemental pension benefit calculation from being based on the sixth year of service to the fourth year of service. Repeals the public mass transportation fund. Repeals the financial responsibility compliance verification fund. Changes the number of years of service on which the salary matrix for state police employees is based to 15 years (instead of 20 years). Requires the department of correction to deposit the amount appropriated for the county misdemeanant fund by a county’s multiplier. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) to: (1) develop a schedule for the review of Medicaid reimbursement rates; and (2) provide a copy of the schedule to the budget committee; not later than November 1, 2023. Increases the maximum amount of a grant made under the prekindergarten pilot program. Establishes the commission on improving the status of children fund to support the staffing and operations of the commission. Provides that a part of state user fees shall be deposited in the Indiana secured school fund. Repeals the distribution schedule for appropriations made for certain child development programs. Deletes reimbursement rate parameters for reimbursement of managed care organizations under the healthy Indiana plan. Extends the sunset of the collection of hospital assessment fees and health facility quality assessment fees from June 30, 2023, to June 30, 2025. Increases the total number of adult learner students at the Excel Centers for Adult Learners and Christel House DORS centers for whom the school may receive state funding. Provides that the parent of a student or an emancipated minor who attends an accredited nonpublic school and who meets financial eligibility requirements may request reimbursement of fees charged for curricular materials. Prohibits school corporations and charter schools from charging a fee for curricular materials to students. Repeals the charter and innovation network school grant program. Establishes the innovation network school grant program. Establishes the Indiana education scholarship account donation fund to accept donations for administration of the Indiana education scholarship account program. Repeals the special education fund. Establishes the outcomes based formula fund from which the commission for higher education may annually request distributions from the outcomes based formula fund for each state educational institution. Provides that state user fees remaining after required distributions shall be distributed to the state general fund (instead of the court technology fund). Makes certain amendments to the juvenile diversion grant program, the juvenile community alternatives grant program, and the juvenile behavioral health competitive grant pilot program (programs). Requires grants for the programs to be administered by the Indiana criminal justice institute in consultation with the juvenile justice oversight committee (oversight committee) and the grant process workgroup created by the oversight committee, taking into consideration the grant program report prepared and submitted to the commission on improving the status of children in Indiana by the oversight committee. Requires the state comptroller to deposit distributions of pro bono legal services fees received from the: (1) clerk of a circuit court; (2) clerk of a city or town court; or (3) Marion County small claims court; in the pro bono legal services fund. Provides that unexpended and unencumbered amounts appropriated to the legislative services agency in a state fiscal year ending before July 1, 2024, do not revert to the state general fund. Extends the judicial and legislative branch leave conversion pilot program through June 30, 2025. Provides for the calculation of salary increases for the governor and state elected officials. Provides for the calculation of salary increases for court officers. Requires the state comptroller to transfer $80,000,000 from the tobacco master settlement agreement fund to the state construction fund on July 1, 2023. Provides that unexpended and unencumbered amounts appropriated from the federal economic stimulus fund in the state fiscal year ending before July 1, 2023, do not revert to the state general fund. Appropriates money for various purposes for the state fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. Provides that a certain amount of property tax revenue distributed to a school corporation’s operations fund must be determined without regard to the property tax caps. Provides that the corresponding reduction in tax revenue to other political subdivisions must be allocated proportionately. Establishes phased-in maximum tax rates that apply to certain school corporations. Requires the state comptroller to distribute a grant amount to schools based on a targeted amount of funding and the net collected revenue the school received from its operations fund levy in the previous calendar year. Establishes the credential completion grant. Removes pathways for choice scholarship eligibility. Increases the annual income maximum for choice scholarship eligibility. Provides that a school corporation is eligible for an academic performance grant. Defines “base student fundin


Current Status:   

3/30/2023 – Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431


Recent Status:   

2/27/2023 – Referred to Senate Appropriations
2/27/2023 – First Reading


State Bill Page:   



INCOME TAX EXEMPTION FOR MILITARY PAY. (FRYE R) Exempts military pay for members of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States or the national guard from the individual income tax. (Current law provides an individual income tax exemption for members of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States or the national guard for the period the member is mobilized and deployed.) Exempts military pay earned by members of an active component of the armed forces of the United States from the individual income tax. Phases in the exemption over four years beginning in taxable year 2024. (Current law exempts from the individual income tax the military pay earned by members of the National Guard and reserve components of the armed forces of the United States while serving on active duty.)


Current Status:   

3/27/2023 – added as cosponsor Senator Randolph


Recent Status:   

3/23/2023 – added as cosponsor Senator Qaddoura
3/23/2023 – added as cosponsor Senator Holdman


State Bill Page:   



LOCAL ROAD AND BRIDGE MATCHING GRANT FUND. (MORRISON A) Provides that a military base reuse authority (reuse authority) is qualified to receive funds for an eligible project from the local road and bridge matching grant fund (fund). Provides that the required local matching amount by the reuse authority to receive a grant from the fund is equal to 50% of the total cost of the eligible project. Provides that a transit development district may be established in a municipality that is located in a county that is a member of the development authority and has operated regularly scheduled commuter bus services to Chicago, Illinois, with prior financial assistance from the development authority, and shuttle bus services that transport riders to a train station or a regular train stop along the Chicago to South Bend line.


Current Status:   

3/28/2023 – Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 8; Nays: 1


Recent Status:   

3/28/2023 – Senate Homeland Security & Transportation, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 233
3/1/2023 – Referred to Committee on Homeland Security and Transportation


State Bill Page:   



STATE VETERANS’ CEMETERIES. (FRYE R) Provides that the Indiana state veterans’ cemetery may include more than one physical location. Provides eligibility for burial in the Indiana state veterans’ cemetery to certain members of: (1) a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States; (2) the Indiana Army National Guard or the Indiana Air National Guard; and (3) the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps of the United States Army, Navy, or Air Force. Provides eligibility for burial in the Indiana state veterans’ cemetery to spouses of, minor children of, and unmarried adult children of certain members of: (1) a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States; (2) the Indiana Army National Guard or the Indiana Air National Guard; and (3) the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps of the United States Army, Navy, or Air Force. Removes program directors of the state approving agency from the list of the employees who must satisfy certain criteria to qualify as a director of veterans’ affairs. Amends language addressing one time grants provided by the military family relief fund. Provides that the Indiana department of veterans affairs may provide grants to a qualified entity that provides services to veterans and is exempt from taxation under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code for veteran suicide prevention.


Current Status:   

3/28/2023 – House Bills on Third Reading


Recent Status:   

3/27/2023 – added as third sponsor Senator Sandlin
3/27/2023 – added as second sponsor Senator Garten


State Bill Page:   



NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. (JETER C) Provides that the contents of an investigative demand issued by the attorney general are confidential. Expands the definition of “public benefit corporation” to include a domestic corporation that is supported by public funds or authorized to spend public funds in furtherance of its mission or that is a not-for-profit corporation that aims to serve a public benefit. Provides that a court may dissolve a nonprofit corporation under certain circumstances and provides exceptions to the types of corporations that may be dissolved under this procedure. Specifies procedural requirements that the attorney general must take before petitioning the court for dissolution for certain reasons. Permits a court to appoint a receiver to manage a nonprofit corporation even if an action to dissolve the corporation has not been filed. Provides additional remedies that the attorney general may seek for violations. Requires a nonprofit corporation to maintain certain records for three years. Provides that attorney general may not access records of specified entities. Prevents a state agency from imposing certain filing or reporting requirements that are more burdensome than what is required by state law and provides certain exceptions. Makes conforming and clarifying changes.


Current Status:   

2/23/2023 – Referred to Senate Judiciary


Recent Status:   

2/23/2023 – First Reading
1/31/2023 – Referred to Senate


State Bill Page:   



INDIANA NATIONAL GUARD MATTERS. (JETER C) Provides that a court-martial of a member of the Indiana national guard may be convened by orders of the governor or the adjutant general. (Current law provides that a court-martial of a member of the Indiana national guard may be convened by orders of the governor.) Provides that a member of the Indiana national guard may not demand trial by court-martial in lieu of nonjudicial punishment. Removes a provision permitting a commanding officer to order a member of the officer’s command to be confined under correctional custody for not more than eight days. Makes changes to the disciplinary punishment an officer exercising command may impose.


Current Status:   

3/23/2023 – Signed by the President Pro Tempore


Recent Status:   

3/16/2023 – Returned to the House without amendments
3/16/2023 – Third reading passed; Roll Call 223: yeas 34, nays 13


State Bill Page:   




HUNTING SEASON FOR DISABLED VETERANS. (ABBOTT D) Provides that the director of the department of natural resources shall designate four days a year as free hunting days for critically disabled veterans and youth hunters. Defines “critically disabled veteran”.


Current Status:   

2/27/2023 – Referred to Senate Natural Resources


Recent Status:   

2/27/2023 – First Reading
2/14/2023 – Senate sponsor: Senator Tomes


State Bill Page:   



CIVIL SERVICE ANNUITY INCOME DEDUCTION. (CLERE E) Increases the amount of federal civil service annuity benefits that an individual or the individual’s surviving spouse may deduct from adjusted gross income tax.


Current Status:   

3/20/2023 – added as cosponsor Senator Alting


Recent Status:   

3/13/2023 – added as cosponsor Senator Tomes
3/13/2023 – added as cosponsor Senator Ford J.D


State Bill Page:   



CYBER CIVILIAN CORPS PROGRAM ADVISORY BOARD. (JUDY C) Establishes the Indiana cyber civilian corps program advisory board (board). Provides for the membership of the board. Requires the board to provide findings and recommendations concerning the establishment of an Indiana cyber civilian corps program to the legislative council.


Current Status:   

3/28/2023 – House Bills on Second Reading


Recent Status:   

3/27/2023 – House Bills on Second Reading
3/23/2023 – House Bills on Second Reading


State Bill Page:   



PROPERTY TAX MATTERS. (THOMPSON J) Provides that the circuit-breaker credit is equal to the amount by which a person’s property tax liability attributable to the person’s homestead exceeds, for property taxes first due and payable: (1) in 2024, 0.95%; and (2) in 2025, 0.975%; of the gross assessed value of the property that is the basis for determination of the property taxes. Increases the amount of the supplemental homestead deduction for property taxes first due and payable in 2024 and 2025. Provides that if a taxpayer presents an appraisal to the county property tax assessment board of appeals (county board) that meets specified requirements, the appraisal is presumed to be correct. Provides that if the county board disagrees with the taxpayer’s appraisal, the county board may seek review of the appraisal or obtain an independent appraisal. Provides that after the assignment of value, the parties shall retain their rights to appeal the assessment or assessments to the Indiana board of tax review. Provides that, notwithstanding any increase in assessed value of property from the previous assessment date, the total amount of operating referendum tax that may be levied by a school corporation for taxes first due and payable in 2024 may not increase by more than 3% over the maximum operating referendum tax that could be levied by the school corporation in the previous year. Increases the renter’s state income tax deduction to $4,000. Increases the residential property state income tax deduction to $3,500. Authorizes a county fiscal body to adopt an ordinance to provide property tax relief for property tax liability attributable to homesteads for qualified individuals. Modifies the threshold amounts used for determining whether a political subdivision’s project is a controlled project and whether the petition and remonstrance process or the referendum process applies based on the political subdivision’s total debt service tax rate. Provides a calculation to be used in determining the maximum levy growth quotient in 2024 and 2025.


Current Status:   

3/1/2023 – Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy


Recent Status:   

3/1/2023 – First Reading
2/22/2023 – Referred to Senate


State Bill Page:   



HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS, AND COST EXEMPTIONS. (SPEEDY M) Establishes the reservist tuition supplement program fund (fund). Requires the commission for higher education to administer the fund. Provides that money in the National Guard tuition supplement program fund and the National Guard scholarship extension fund may not be expended, removed, or transferred from the respective fund except to be used for the purposes of the respective fund. Provides that an eligible applicant for: (1) a scholarship under the reservist tuition supplement program; (2) a scholarship under the National Guard tuition supplement program; or (3) an educational cost exemption or award; may apply for a scholarship, exemption, or award to attend a state educational institution or an approved postsecondary educational institution under certain conditions.


Current Status:   

3/23/2023 – Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations


Recent Status:   

3/22/2023 – Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
3/22/2023 – Senate Education & Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Senate Chamber


State Bill Page:   



MILITARY FAMILY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES. (MAY C) Provides that a military service applicant who has held an occupational license, certification, registration, or permit (license) in another jurisdiction for at least one year may qualify for an Indiana license. Removes the requirement that an applicant have a license for at least two of the five years preceding the date of the application. Provides that an applicant may not have a complaint or investigation pending before an occupational licensing board (board) that relates to unprofessional conduct or an alleged crime. Provides that a military member’s dependent may apply for an occupational license under the same conditions as a military member’s spouse. Requires the board to issue a license to an applicant upon application based on work experience in another state if certain conditions are met. Provides that the requirement that a nonresident is entitled to the same rights and subject to the same obligations as required of a resident who is issued a license by a board does not apply to a member of the military, a military spouse, or a dependent who applies for a real estate broker or appraiser license. Allows an applicant to appeal a final determination of the board. Makes a technical correction.


Current Status:   

3/27/2023 – added as cosponsor Senator Randolph


Recent Status:   

3/27/2023 – added as cosponsor Senator Glick
3/27/2023 – added as cosponsor Senator Baldwin


State Bill Page:   



VARIOUS EDUCATION MATTERS. (BEHNING R) Amends the definition of “graduation” for the high school graduation rate determination. Amends the graduation rate calculation. Requires each school corporation to publish on the school corporation’s website the graduation rate for each high school in the school corporation. Allows the equivalent authority for a nonpublic school to issue an adjunct teacher permit to certain individuals. Specifies that the content area in which an individual who holds an adjunct teaching permit may teach includes a career and technical education content area in which the school corporation or nonpublic school allows the individual to teach based on the individual’s experience. Requires the state board of education (state board) to: (1) develop algebra I, algebra II, and geometry courses that include real world application and project based and inquiry based learning; and (2) implement the courses not later than the 2025-2026 school year. Provides that if the state board establishes an Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery as a graduation pathway, the state board shall require a student who elects the pathway to enlist in the military as a condition of meeting the pathway requirements. Removes a provision that provides that not more than 1% of students of a cohort may receive the alterative diploma established by the state board. Removes a requirement that a school corporation record or include certain immunization information in the official high school transcript for a high school student. Provides that the state board shall assign to a school or school corporation (including adult high schools) a “null” or “no letter grade” for the 2022-2023 school year. Provides that the department shall develop a proposal for a revised school performance designation not later than December 1, 2024.


Current Status:   

3/29/2023 – Senate Education & Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Senate Chamber


Recent Status:   

3/22/2023 – Senate Education & Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Senate Chamber
3/15/2023 – Senate Education & Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Senate Chamber


State Bill Page:   



MAXIMUM PRICE OF A PULL TAB IN CHARITY GAMING. (LEISING J) Increases the maximum price of a charity gaming ticket for a pull tab, punchboard, or tip board game from $1 to $5. Increases the maximum selling price for one ticket for type II gaming from $1 to $5.


Current Status:   

3/28/2023 – House Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:30 AM, Rm. 156-B


Recent Status:   

2/28/2023 – Referred to House Public Policy
2/28/2023 – First Reading


State Bill Page:   



NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS. (FREEMAN A) Provides that the contents of an investigative demand issued by the attorney general are to be kept confidential. Defines charitable organization. Expands the definition of “public benefit corporation” to include a domestic corporation that serves a public benefit with an operating budget that is supported by public funds or authorized to spend public funds in furtherance of its mission. Provides that a court may dissolve a corporation under certain circumstances. Specifies procedural requirements that the attorney general must take before petitioning the court for dissolution of a corporation for certain reasons. Provides exceptions. Allows the attorney general to petition a court for additional remedies against a corporation, in addition to or as an alternative dissolution, for certain violations. Provides that upon a showing of reasonable cause, a court may appoint a receiver to manage a corporation under certain circumstances. Requires a corporation to keep certain records for at least three years. Allows the attorney general to inspect records of certain corporations. Prohibits a state agency from imposing a filing or reporting requirement on a charitable organization that is more burdensome than Indiana law allows. Provides exceptions. Allows the attorney general to take certain actions if the attorney general finds that a corporation has failed to comply with certain record requirements. Makes conforming changes.


Current Status:   

3/6/2023 – Referred to House Judiciary


Recent Status:   

3/6/2023 – First Reading
3/1/2023 – Referred to House


State Bill Page:   



INDIANA NATIONAL GUARD MATTERS. (FREEMAN A) Provides that a court-martial of a member of the Indiana national guard may be convened by orders of the governor or the adjutant general. (Current law provides that a court-martial of a member of the Indiana national guard may be convened by orders of the governor.) Provides that a member of the Indiana national guard may not demand trial by court-martial in lieu of nonjudicial punishment. Removes a provision permitting a commanding officer to order a member of the officer’s command to be confined under correctional custody for not more than eight days. Makes changes to the disciplinary punishment an officer exercising command may impose.


Current Status:   

2/28/2023 – Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety


Recent Status:   

2/28/2023 – First Reading
2/2/2023 – Referred to House


State Bill Page:   



PLANNING AND ZONING AFFECTING MILITARY BASES. (MESSMER M) Allows a unit to establish a military impact zoning district for an area adversely impacted by the effects of military operations. Establishes a state area of interest that is comprised of land within one or both of the following: (1) Within three miles of certain military installations. (2) Within a military impact zoning district. Makes planning, zoning, and development activity (activity) in a state area of interest subject to the military installation commander’s determination regarding the activity’s impact on military operations. Allows a representative of the military installation to serve as a nonvoting adviser to the unit’s plan commission. Requires a lease or real estate sales disclosure form to disclose that the property is within a state area of interest. Provides that the responsibility for the disclosure required by the owner that the property is located near a military installation rests solely with the owner of the property and no liability for the owner’s failure to make the required disclosure shall accrue to any third party.


Current Status:   

3/23/2023 – Third reading passed; Roll Call 295: yeas 90, nays 0


Recent Status:   

3/23/2023 – Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/21/2023 – Senate Bills on Third Reading


State Bill Page:   



PURPLE STAR DESIGNATION. (SANDLIN J) Requires the commission for higher education (CHE) and the Indiana department of veterans’ affairs to develop and implement the higher education purple star designation for the following purposes: (1) To recognize postsecondary educational institutions that are supportive and inclusive of veterans and military connected families. (2) To provide veterans and military connected families with enhanced support for pursuing and finishing a degree or postsecondary credential. Provides that the application for a designation must be made available to interested postsecondary educational institutions on the website of the CHE before May 1, 2024.


Current Status:   

3/27/2023 – Third reading passed; Roll Call 305: yeas 96, nays 0


Recent Status:   

3/27/2023 – Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/23/2023 – added as cosponsor Representative Pack R


State Bill Page:   



CHARITY GAMING MATTERS. (BUSCH J) Defines the term “professional sports team foundation” for purposes of the charity gaming law. Specifies that a professional sports team foundation is a qualified organization. Specifies that qualified organizations may conduct unlicensed allowable events at facilities leased or owned by the capital improvement board of managers of Marion County (CIB). (Current law allows qualified organizations to conduct charity gaming events without a license if the value of all prizes awarded is less than $2,500 for a single event and $7,500 for all unlicensed events conducted during a calendar year.) Authorizes payment by credit card for a chance to enter an allowable event conducted at a facility leased or owned by the CIB. (Current law limits the sale of entries by credit card to a specified annual event conducted by a charitable government services organization (CGSO)). Specifies that the provision of ongoing programming and support for children is a permissible use of the proceeds of entries purchased by credit card from a CGSO.


Current Status:   

3/28/2023 – House Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:30 AM, Rm. 156-B


Recent Status:   

2/28/2023 – Referred to House Public Policy
2/28/2023 – First Reading


State Bill Page:   





Current Status:   

1/12/2023 – adopted voice vote


Recent Status:   

1/12/2023 – First Reading
1/12/2023 – Coauthored by Senators Alting, Breaux, Ford J.D., Hunley, Melton, Niezgodski, Pol, Qaddoura, Randolph Lonnie M, Yoder


State Bill Page: