Drill Weekend Talking Points: December 2017

Drill Weekend Talking Points: December 2017


Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act

Before Thanksgiving, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and it is on its way to the President for signature. The final version of the bill included pre- and post-mobilization health care coverage for 12304a and 12304b duty statuses. The bill also codified efforts by the Department regarding duty status reform. While it will take a few years to finalize and put into place, the Department is looking to create four categories. Broadly, Categories 1 and 2 include telework and IDT which will have fewer benefits associated. Category 3 covers Title 10 and 32 support and AGR, and has more benefits tied to it. Category 4 includes full- and partial-mobilizations, Disaster/Emergency relief, etc. and provides the most benefits. The final details are still being worked out, and EANGUS will continue to monitor the reform efforts as it develops. Unfortunately, pharmacy co-pay increases for mail in order prescriptions will soon increase nominally over the next few years. According to report language, this increase helps extend the Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance under the Survivor Benefit Plan.

TRICARE Reserve Select Expansion

While the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act did not include legislative language to expand TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) to eligible federal employees, EANGUS staff are still working hard to accomplish this important goal by the end of the first session. EANGUS is working closely with Senator Hatch’s staff to include S. 1086 in the omnibus bill set to be voted on before Congress adjourns for the year. If EANGUS is unsuccessful in this effort, we will look to 2018 to accomplish this important initiative.