Drill Weekend Talking Points for December 2016

Drill Weekend Talking Points for December 2016

Overview and Analysis of S. 2943 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017


Maximum reimbursement amount for travel expenses of members of the Reserves attending inactive duty training outside of normal commuting distances (sec. 621)

The House amendment contained a provision that would amend section 478a(c) of title 37, United States Code, to allow for a higher reimbursement amount on a case-by-case basis for certain members of the Reserve component traveling to attend inactive duty training outside of normal committing distances.

Equal benefits under Survivor Benefit Plan for survivors of reserve component members who die in the line of duty during inactive-duty training (sec. 642)

The House amendment contained a provision that would amend section 1451(c)(1)(A) of title 10, United States Code, to eliminate the different treatment under the Survivor Benefit Plan accorded members of the reserve component who die from an injury or illness incurred or aggravated in the line of duty during inactive-duty training, as compared to the treatment of members of the Armed Forces who die in the line of duty while on Active Duty.

Strengthening Military Health Care

  • Make no changes to out-of-pocket costs for current force or retirees

  • Provide two comprehensive TRICARE options for servicemembers, their families & retirees: managed care option and no-referral network option

  • Eliminate referrals for urgent care and ensure urgent care access for military families (*see EANGUS testimony before Senate Armed Services Committee on March 8, 2016)

  • Extend care at Military Treatment Facilities (MTF) primary care clinics beyond normal business hours

  • Expand public-private partnerships to increase and complement MTF services provided to beneficiaries

  • Enable retirees to purchase durable medical equipment at the DOD cost

  • Standardize appointment scheduling and first-call resolution when contacting MTF clinics

  • Increase the number of available appointments at MTFs.


California National Guard

The NDAA provides relief for these Guardsmen by directing a process for the fair adjudication of cases. Unlike current policy, the Department will be responsible for reaching out to each impacted Soldier and notifying credit reporting agencies when a Soldier’s debts have been forgiven.

Modification of requirements relating to management of military technicians (sec. 1084)

The House amendment contained a provision that would delay the implementation date of section 1053 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92) until October 1, 2017 and align the date of conversion for military technicians (non-dual status) with military technicians (dual status).

Note: Not later than March 1, 2017, the Secretary of Defense, shall in consultation with the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the feasibility and advisability of converting any remaining military technicians (dual status) to personnel performing active Guard and Reserve duty under section 328 of title 32, United States Code, or other applicable provisions of law.

Additional News

TRICARE Pharmacy Changes

Effective December 1, Walgreens pharmacies will join the TRICARE retail pharmacy network and CVS pharmacies will leave the network. Additional information about the change is available on the Express Scripts website, click here.