EANGUS Legislative Call to Action 2019-2

EANGUS Legislative Call to Action 2019-2:  Military Student Identifier


With the 2015 adoption of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA– Public Law 114-95), military-connected students are now recognized as a distinct subgroup. The ESSA stipulates that the new subgroup includes students with a parent who is a member of the Armed Forces (defined in section 101(a)(1)(4) of title 10, United states Code) on active duty (as defined in section 101(d)(5) of such title).

Over 80% of military-connected pupils attend US public schools. Students with parents/guardians who serve full-time in the military move and change schools frequently. In addition, they experience separations from a parent/guardian due to their parents’ service to the U.S. Military. The Military Student Identifier (MSI) provides educators with critical information to personalize attention to military dependent children.

Unfortunately, the current law directs the military student identifier only towards the children of active duty families, leaving out the nearly one-half million children of the Reserve Component, both National Guard and Reserves.


The EANGUS National Office requests that you please take a few minutes out of the day to take action on EANGUS LEGISLATIVE CALL TO ACTION 2019-2, and message your delegation in Washington, D.C. to become a co-sponsor of H.R. 1896, the Supporting Children of the National Guard and Reserve Act.