EANGUS New Patriot – Summer/Fall 2022 Edition



President’s Communique
Auxiliary’s Side by Side
From the Executive Director
From the Vice President
Junior Enlisted Corner
Washington Watch
2022 EANGUS Resolutions
Legislative Quarterly Summit
The Veterans Administration
National Guard Relief Foundation
Operation VetCare
2022-2027 Strategic Plan
Membership Marathon
Professional Development
Higher Education
Patriots Quarters
AUSA Membership Savings


EANGUS NEW PATRIOT Summer/Fall Edition


The EANGUS 51st Annual Conference was an amazing success. Throughout the time at conference, our attendees spent their time participating in committee meetings, listening to Keynote speakers, and enjoying the many evening festivities. We are eager to share the many pictures and stories with everyone and typically share this experience through our Fall New Patriot Magazine.  We would be unable to highlight all the great events in this publication. As a result, EANGUS has decided to publish a separate EANGUS “Conference e-booklet.” The Fall New Patriot will still have conference highlights; however, the follow-on “Conference e-booklet” will provide more details and information for your enjoyment and reference. Please be on the lookout for this follow-on publication,  and we hope you enjoy it!