Join or Renew

Become an NGAI Member

NGAI Annual Memberships are free for all! Buy an EANGUS or NGAUS annual or lifetime membership as well so your voice also is heard at the national level!


Membership dues for NGAI, NGAUS and EANGUS are for a calendar year (January 1 through December 31). The membership drive begins on October 1 of the current year through September 30 of the next year.

Are you interested in supporting the NGAI but not a member or former member of the Indiana National Guard?  An Associate Membership is just for you!

To join or renew online, please select which applies to you

EnlistedOfficer/Warrant OfficerRetired/Alumni  Associate


To pay by check, please download the NGAI Membership form. If you are signing up free members in bulk, please use this template. Please email or call 317-247-3301 if you have any questions.