NGB Chief’s Holiday Message to Force

Gen. Frank J. Grass, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, released the following holiday message on Christmas Day:

My Fellow Guardsmen,

As we celebrate this holiday season and draw 2015 to a close, I extend my warmest greetings, deep gratitude and best wishes to our National Guard Soldiers and airmen and their families.

Your success comes from your ability to adapt and be ready to rapidly respond, whether at home or abroad.  Thanks to your dedication and sacrifice our nation can celebrate this season’s goodwill.

Of course, as our citizen-soldiers and airmen, you could not excel at what you do without the support you receive from your families, communities and employers. Their commitment and cooperation enables you, and me, to remain ready.

I couldn’t be more proud of what you have accomplished this year fighting America’s wars, protecting the homeland and building partnerships. This year has also brought many changes and opportunities for growth that placed increased demands on the Guard. I’m confident, based on your past performance, you will embrace and excel at whatever mission or challenge that lies ahead.

While the holidays are a time of celebration for many families, it’s a challenging time for others. Look out for one another. Always know there is help available if you need it. You are truly our most valuable asset.

Thank you for all that you do for your communities and our nation. Pat and I wish you and your family a joyful and festive holiday season and a safe and happy 2016!