On Giving Tuesday – Give the gift of helping other National Guard members


Giving Tuesday is right around the corner! Created in 2012, it’s a day that encourages people to do good. This year, choose to give back to the Soldiers and Airmen of the National Guard who are struggling to make ends meet or recover from a natural disaster or other emergency. By donating to the National Guard Relief Foundation, you will give the gift of helping others in need.

People can show their generosity and support the National Guard Relief Foundation in a variety of ways on Giving Tuesday (or any day!) – whether it’s making a pledge through the Combined Federal Campaign (Code: 11859), purchasing a wreath to be placed on a Veteran’s gravesite on Wreaths Across America Day, driving donations from merchants/restaurants via participation in our Givebacks retail program, Rounding Up your purchase at Walmart, or making a donation on our website, every little bit helps and every act of generosity is appreciated!

Learn more about the National Guard Relief Foundation, check out all the other ways you can donate, or make a tax-deductible donation on our website at: www.eangus-wcfa.org. If you know a National Guard member in need of help, please refer them to our website where they can apply for an emergency relief grant or interest-free loan.

Please SHARE our mission and this message with others. By doing so, you can make a positive change in the lives of our National Guard members and their families. Thank you for your support!