NGAIF Educational Grants




The Educational Grants offered by the National Guard Association of Indiana (NGAI) are open to all Indiana National Guard members and their dependents who meet the eligibility requirements.


Scholarship Details:

• NGAI Educational Grant Program is not an entitlement and applications are not automatically approved. Students must reapply each year and are eligible to receive funds for up to four academic years.
• Award amounts vary and are not guaranteed year to year. Award amounts are determined based on the total budget allotted, the number of applications received, and each applicant’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) reported on the Student Aid Report (SAR).


Eligibility Requirements:

• Member of the Indiana National Guard or their dependent, or
• Retired member of the Indiana National Guard or their dependent
• The Indiana National Guard member or retired member must be a member of NGAI in good standing. Good standing requires that NGAI dues are paid in full at the time the application is submitted.
• Student must be enrolled, accepted, or pending acceptance as a full-time student in an accredited post-secondary or vocational institution listed in the US Department of Education’s Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions (


School Time Frame: The 2025 grant covers a full school year from Fall of 2025 to Spring of 2026.
Application Deadline: All applications must be received by the National Guard Association of Indiana by 18 April 2025. Applications must be submitted through the online application system on this website.

Grant Recipient Information: Grant recipients will be announced at the NGAI Annual Conference in French Lick, Indiana on 30 May, 2025. Recipient letters will be emailed in May. Make sure you include a valid email address in the application.

Special Considerations: Please read through the entire application before you begin filling out the application.  Please ensure you complete the entire application as incomplete applications will automatically remove you from grant consideration.

NGAI Contact Information: Please contact the NGAI office if you have any questions. We are located at Tyndall Armory: 711 North Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46204. The office can also be reached via telephone number is 317-247-3438. 


Failure to complete a required entry may result in the application being removed from consideration

2025 NGAIF Educational Grant

Have you received an NGAIF Grant previously?(Required)

Sponsor Information

Complete this section if you are applying as a dependent. This is your sponsors (Guard Member) information.
Sponsor (Guard Member) Name

Financial Information

1. Complete the 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application online as soon as possible after 1 October, at You must include the student’s and parent’s income. A hard copy of the FAFSA can be obtained at, but filing by paper will take longer to process. We recommend you complete the FAFSA online. Help filling out the FAFSA is available at
2. After you submit your FAFSA, you should receive an email from FAFSA within 3 to 5 days with instructions on how to access an online copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR) which will include your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). If you do not provide a valid email address on your FAFSA application, your SAR will be mailed to you within 7 to 10 days. You can also retrieve the SAR by logging onto the FAFSA website. After login, click View Processed Information and choose the pdf version of the SAR. Save it on your computer. The SAR should then be included with your application. We require the COMPLETE SAR and will not accept a SAR that does not include ALL pages. We do not accept the FAFSA confirmation or acknowledgement pages. You will upload your COMPLETE SAR below.
Max. file size: 125 MB.

Scholastic History

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Address of College(Required)

Letters of Recommendation

Each application should include at least two (2) signed and recently dated letters of recommendation. There should be one letter from an education institution you have attended, and one from a non-family community member. Each letter should make specific references to the applicant's character and activities in the educational institution and/or community.
Max. file size: 125 MB.
Max. file size: 125 MB.
Max. file size: 125 MB.

Extra Curricular Accomplishments

Document all extra-curricular activities in which you have participated: Community Involvement (volunteer work, church groups, school clubs etc.), Leadership Roles (civic, government, military, etc.), Employment/Work history. In each section, please provide all activity you have been involved with in the last two (2) years.