Sign the White House Petition to stop GRAP Injustice

Can you spare 15 seconds for a National Guard Soldier?

It is apparent that the only way to stop the harassment of National Guard Soldiers over GRAP is through the political arena, where it began.

Click Here for press release from Senator Claire McCaskill’s Office that refers to “up to 100 Million” in fraud.

Click Here for article on the harassment targeting National Guard Soldiers by Active Duty CID because the level of fraud is so low that it amounts to Army CID lying to a Senator.

Click Here for the 60 Minutes episode and transcript stating that the fraud is 10 Million, and in our estimation, the National Guard GRAP fraud amounts to perhaps 3 Million and the remainder comes from the Active Duty Army Referral Bonus Program and the Army Reserve AR-RAP.

This is an effort by Active Duty to poke the National Guard in the eye, again, and show that they cannot manage money and programs.  They have attempted to remove combat equipment from the Guard (the Apaches) and cut our end-strength.  Both of those efforts failed, and since that was not successful, they are now creating felony charges out of thin air for National Guard Soldiers.  Active Duty CID violated their own CID regulations and hid problems in GRAP from TAGs and NGB.  Now they want to blame the National Guard for not addressing the problems.

Ask CID why their regulations changed several times during the investigation time frame.  Could it be because they were not following their own guidelines?

This White House petition is one of several things that EANGUS is doing to help the innocent Soldiers of the National Guard.  Stop G-RAP (Guard Recruiting Assistance Program) investigations and indictments until it is determined that Army CID (Criminal Investigation Division) is operating within its authority and that the purpose of the investigations is held valid.  Recruiting Assistants were private subcontractors, yet Army CID has taken program deviations and turned them into allegations of criminal conduct to justify the wildly exaggerated amount of fraud reported by the Army to Congress.  We believe the process violates the Constitution, Posse Comitatus statute, DoD regulations and policy.  The investigation has cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars and ruined the lives, families and careers of Soldiers and Veterans.
